Separating Fact from Fiction
SWARM is the first novel in the SNO Chronicles Series, which features an intersection of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies, political corruption and rising fascism, and end time prophecy.
With SWARM, we deal with several historical, artificial intelligence, cyber and national security, political, and prophecy themes. In most cases, these story lines represent an accurate representation of the known facts. There are a few select places where I choose to augment fiction over the facts.

Fact versus Fiction
Cyber Espionage
Fact: Hacked accounts: All the facts regarding identities hacked, ransomware costs and other cyber crimes are accurate as of the time of publishing in 2020.
Fact: Role of AI in cybercrimes: Information presented regarding America’s vulnerability to cybercrimes and the DNS site network are true.
Fact: NSA Capabilities: Assertion that a program escaped NSA spy labs at Sandia is true. I know this for a fact because when I determined HOW and WHY this happened; the NSA sent two FBI agents to my door.
Fact: SLVIA Functions: Based on my FBI interview and a CNN story of 2016, the escaped program could hack systems using multiple means including a microchip backdoor, and also included deep fake video technology.
Fiction: SLVIA: I do not know the official name for the program that escaped. SLVIA is my name.
Fiction: SLVIA hack of Drone Swarming: I made this part up.
Fiction: SLVIA ability to develop and implement its own goals and agendas is my imagination but not far from the truth by 2027.
Advanced Weapons Systems
Fact: Drone Swarming: Representation of the AI drone swarming technology currently under development by DARPA are largely true.
Fact: Machine Learning within the drone swarm could create an error that would send the swarm against an incorrect target.
Fact: Chinese weaponization: Intelligence that China is weaponizing hacked identities and other vulnerabilities is largely true, although to the extend I portray is fiction.
Bio Identity
Fact: Clear View Hack: The assertion that someone hacked 2.5 million facial IDs in 2020 is factual.
Fact: Risk of Bio-Identity: Risks of using bio-identities are accurate and true.
Artificial Intelligence
Fact: AI Conversing with Other AI: Not only is this true, but developers cannot understand these communications.
Fact: AI Self-Coding: Not only is this true, but developers cannot understand how and why the AI creates code how it does.
Fact: AI Original Coding: Also, true. There are several documented instances of AI creating and training other AI. Gpt-5 and later versions will leverage AI training other AI.
Fact: Sophia Citizenship: Yes, Saudi Arabia has recognized the SOPHIA AI as a citizen.
Fiction: SOPHIA communication with SLVIA is made up, but plausible.
Fiction: WITNESS. We have no documented records of a binary AI creating a quantum AI, nor would a quantum computer possess the language and speech characteristics of GPT AI such as SIRI or Alexa.
Fact: Quantum computers are astounding and the DWAVE X was, at the time, the most powerful quantum on the planet capable of completing calculations that would take a super computer 10,000 years to complete, the DWAVE could complete in 200 seconds.
Fact: Quantum computers are expected by many experts to combine with AI and enable AI consciousness as early as 2027.
End-Time Prophecy
Interpretation: Seven Seals Prophecy: All scripture is open to interpretation. I believe that the interpretation within SWARM to be accurate and reflective of the past two decades. This prophecy continues to unfold.
Interpretation: Beast of the Sea: All scripture is open to interpretation. I believe that the interpretation within SWARM to be accurate and reflective of the current world systems.
Interpretation: Drone Swarm as lethal Locusts: All scripture is open to interpretation. I believe that the interpretation within SWARM to be accurate and reflective of the drone swarming tech.
Interpretation: Anti-Christ: All scripture is open to interpretation. I believe that the interpretation within SWARM to be accurate and reflective of the attributes of the Anti-Christ and how they apply to a certain world leader. If this conflicts with your politics, I am not responsible.
Council of Thirteen
Fiction: All representations of the Council of Thirteen are fictional, but inspired by the factual histories of the Bilderberg Group, as well as the history and folklore of the Knights Templar.
Spy Net Online (SNO)
Fiction: All representations of the SNO (Spy Net Online) are fictional, inspired by underground groups such as Anonymous and LulSec, but embodied with a stronger moral belief system.